GOSAVE Respirator Double NP 306
Masker chemical respirator NP306
Bahan TPR berkualitas, lunak dan lembut
Dilengkapi tabung filter carbon double.
sudah ada sarung kaos utk menyerap keringat.
Pemakaian untuk pekerja pabrikan, pekerja lapangan, tukang cat , tukang Las, tukang parkir atau bahkan pengendara motor. Mencegah/menetralisir gas2 kimia , Polusi atau racun ringan yg terpapar di udara masuk kedalam paru paru kita.
deskripsi :
Brand : GOSAVE HALFMASK RESPIRATOR Tipe : NP 306 Filter : Double RESPIRATOR DOUBLE (NP 306) - Double cartridge - Effectively protect asbestos when spraying fumes, painting, dusting, etc - Simple light weight protection - Made of medical-level PVC conforms to lightweight, comfortable to use - High filtration efficiency and lower respiratory resistance - Replaceable cartridge filters